Monday, November 8, 2010

JASS: Auditing & Controlling Output Logs

You can configure the Solaris Security Toolkit audit option to report or omit banners and messages. 

You might want to eliminate pass messages (JASS_LOG_SUCCESS variable) from the output so you can report and focus only on fail messages (JASS_LOG_FAILURE variable).

If the logging variable is set to 0, then no output is generated for messages of that type. Conversely, if the logging variable is set to 1, then messages are displayed. The default action for each of these variables is to display the output.

All Banner Output, This parameter controls the display of banner messages. These messages are
usually surrounded by separators comprised of either equal sign (“=”) or dash (“-”)

[ERR], This parameter controls the display of error messages. If set to 0, no error messages will be generated.

[FAIL] This parameter controls the display of failure messages. If set to 0, no failure messages will be generated.

[NOTE] This parameter controls the display of notice messages. If set to 0, no notice messages will be generated.

[PASS] This parameter controls the display of success or passing status messages. If set to 0, no success messages will be generated.

[WARN] This parameter controls the display of warning messages. If set to 0, no warning messages will be generated.

Using these options is very useful when you only need to view specific messages. By setting these options, you can minimize output, yet still focus on areas you deem critical. For example, by setting all logging variables to 0 except for JASS_LOG_FAILURE (leave it at the default of 1), the audit reports only on failures
generated by the logFailure function.


 # ./jass-execute -a secure.driver -V 2
 update-at-deny [FAIL] User test is not listed in
 update-at-deny [FAIL] Audit Check Total : 1 Error(s)
 update-inetd-conf [FAIL] Service ftp is enabled in
 update-inetd-conf [FAIL] Service telnet is enabled in
 update-inetd-conf [FAIL] Service rstatd is enabled in
 update-inetd-conf [FAIL] Audit Check Total : 3 Error(s)

Here I have provided a Jass Auditing script that can be run on a weekly, monthly , yearly however you may choose. The audit will alert on any system changes via Email set by the MAIL_LIST variable. The script requires Repository directory under /opt/SUNWjass.


 TIMESTAMP=`date +%H%M.%d%m`

 $SPOOL/bin/jass-execute -a server-secure.driver -V 2 -o $L_LOG

 if [ -f $L_LOG ]; then
    ERR=`grep FAIL $L_LOG|wc -l`
     if [ $ERR -ne 0 ]; then
      echo "Solaris Security Log: AUDIT (${HOST}) $TIMESTAMP" > $L_OUT
      echo "" >> $L_OUT
      echo "File : "$L_LOG" " >> $L_OUT
      echo "========================================================"  >> $L_OUT
      echo "Failures : " >> $L_OUT
      grep FAIL $L_LOG | egrep -v Error >> $L_OUT
      echo "========================================================"  >> $L_OUT
      tail -12 $L_LOG >> $L_OUT
      mailx -s "Solaris Security Toolkit Log: AUDIT (${HOST})" $MAIL_LIST < $L_OUT
      exit 0

Output Example:

 Solaris Security Log: AUDIT (host-name) 1301.0211

 File : /opt/SUNWjass/Repository/Jass_Audit.1301.0211
 Failures :
 update-at-deny                 [FAIL] User test is not listed in /etc/cron.d/at.deny.
 server-secure.driver           [SUMMARY] Results Summary for AUDIT run of server-secure.driver
 server-secure.driver           [SUMMARY] The run completed with a total of 84 scripts run.
 server-secure.driver           [SUMMARY] There was a Failure  in   1 Script
 server-secure.driver           [SUMMARY] There were  Errors   in   0 Scripts
 server-secure.driver           [SUMMARY] There was a Warning  in   1 Script
 server-secure.driver           [SUMMARY] There were  Notes    in  19 Scripts
 server-secure.driver           [SUMMARY] Failure Scripts listed in:
 server-secure.driver                   /var/opt/SUNWjass/run/20101102130155/jass-script-failures.txt
 server-secure.driver           [SUMMARY] Warning Scripts listed in:
 server-secure.driver                   /var/opt/SUNWjass/run/20101102130155/jass-script-warnings.txt
 server-secure.driver           [SUMMARY] Notes Scripts listed in:
 server-secure.driver                   /var/opt/SUNWjass/run/20101102130155/jass-script-notes.txt

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